If you feel the need to drink excessive amounts of caffeine, you should evaluate why. Excessive coffee, tea and soda can disrupt the intestinal flora (causing candida overgrowth & lower immunity), disrupt hormonal balance (causing headaches, PMS, bipolar disorders, OCD, ADD, & sleep disturbances), make the body too acid (making you vulnerable to infection), pull vitamins and minerals out of the body (causing deficiencies) and can be habit forming stimulants, which can eventually cause adrenal exhaustion and even paranoia. Craving excessive caffeine indicates that you have nutritional deficiencies, which are usually caused by nutritional allergies! Caffeine allergies compound this problem and can have a direct effect on the central nervous system. Even one cup a day can be enough to keep some people stimulated, giving you a false sense that you are healthy. The only way you can accurately evaluate your health and energy level is without stimulates. If you drink caffeine and think you are healthy, try eliminating caffeine for three days. Does just the thought of not having caffeine cause you anxiety? Do you have lower energy without it? If you have withdrawal symptoms (headaches and/or have lower energy), then your health is not what it should be. I am not against coffee, only the abuse of it. The over use of caffeine, is an “indicator” of poor health. When poor health or lack of energy creates a daily NEED, then you must consider why you are drinking so much caffeine. You may want to ask yourself, “What nutrients are lacking in my body to create this need?” This relatively small problem can turn into a full-blown disease a few years from now. Furthermore, coffee can curb your appetite and give you a false sense of satiety. In other words, caffeine may rob your natural ability to instinctively eat correctly, which will only further add to nutritional deficiencies and poor health. My book explains how the mere over-consumption of any food or drink can cause an allergy. So it is very important to alternate everything you consume. The following are healthy energizing drinks that you can alternate with coffee. Here are my favorite substitutes: Herbal teas & Chicory grain coffee. Herbal teas have medicinal value, contain vitamins and minerals, and are devoid of caffeine. My favorite herbal tea is made by Good Earth /Original flavor. The spices make it very energizing, but in a balanced way; the cinnamon helps balance blood sugar too. Licorice tea is also energizing by giving adrenal support. I do not recommend consuming anything everyday, even if it’s broccoli! Everyday consumption can cause an over-exposure and “sensitivity.” Ideally, it is best to alternate everything you consume to prevent addiction, allergies and other health problems. But all these issues can be reversed with CHART (Crystals Healing And Reprogramming Technique.) Crystal can heal you in person, long distance or teach you how to heal yourself through her healing workshops. Once your nutritional allergies are reversed, you will absorb your nutrients better and your energy level will go up, then you will have less need for caffeine!
Thanks for the great article..