Mission statement …
“I want to help others to see so-called “death” from a new more positive perspective, which will help people go through the experience (whether it be you or helping a loved one) with less grief, no fear, and hopefully no regrets, and instead pass in a peaceful, positive way!!”
Many people still think the end of life as an inevitable “negative” experience, and indeed this has been the case for many people. I’ve heard many people say, “Well, we gotta die from something,” which usually means they expect most people will pass in a bad way, such as a horrible disease or some form of tragedy…arghh. Nobody needs to die in pain and agony, from some horrible disease or from a tragic accident.
YOU can CHOOSE to heal & pass in PEACE…deep breath…ahhh
As the Law of Attraction teaches (my interpertation), we create our reality by our beliefs, our thoughts and emotions, (from our fears or by faith), and the decisions and choices we make based on them, including how we pass. We either create our life unconsciously from our subconscious fears and limiting beliefs, resulting in a life with more struggle, disease and unwanted negative results. Or, we can clear our fears and consciously create a more desirable life with more ease by positive, deliberate intention. And this is why I say…“Awareness is the greatest healer.” As we can’t heal what we have not brought into our awareness.

I would like to eliminate the words dying and death from our vocabulary, because there really is no such thing as dying, but yet just the thought about so-called death has become such an automatic negative response for most people. Only the body withers. Your Soul never dies, and always has been perfect, whole and complete. So instead, I would like to replace the words death and dying with the word “transition,” and phrases such as: “transition to the Light,” and “transition to the non-physical Heavenly realm.”
The reason people feel lonely and fearful, is because they experience separation from their Eternal life force; God, Source, Higher-Self, Agape Love, or whatever you call Universal Creation.
All stress, fear, emotional dis-ease and limiting beliefs, causes this misperception or feeling of separation from Source. There really is no separation between the physical and non-physical, except your belief and perception that there is.
“There is no death!
The stars go down to rise upon another shore.”
John Mc Creery
By practicing alignment with Source/God through meditation, awareness, and focused mindfulness, you will never feel separate from who you Truly are…Love and Light, and thus, you will never feel lonely and always feel content and loved.
Merging with Source/God/Creation hereafter is the most blessed event possible, and I want to be at my BEST; so I plan to be as healthy and happy as possible, for when I decide to make this blessed transition into the non-physical Heavenly realm. I will definitely have a BIG smile on my face. ; )
“Why fear death? Death is only a beautiful adventure”
Walt Whitman
The following is an excerpt from my book, Live for the Light…
“Two of the biggest fears are the fear of death and hell. If you have these fears, I hope to shed some Light to help you resolve these fears right now, by understanding that there really is no such thing as death. Energy is never destroyed, it continually transforms into Higher levels of consciousness, and the only hell is FEAR. The hellish, fearful illusions created by the mind, which many people live in right now. Hell is not a physical location, except in the darkside of mind. Sure, eventually the body sheds to a new embodiment, but the Soul never dies; the Spirit’s only desire is to Expand in consciousness…and we can do so through the Law of Divine Love and Oneness.
We can experience a death of sorts while in the physical body, which is part of the healing process. As when we surrender the attachment to the conditioned ego mind of fear and disease, it can feel like we lost a good friend, a close part of ourselves that for eons has been our identity, and essentially this is literally true; I call this the dis-ease identity crisis. In this respect, losing our mind is a good thing! Essentially, we are NOT “losing,” but gaining access to our Higher-Self. In this case, we could say that less is definitely MORE; by losing your dis-ease, you become MORE of your True Self…Love and Light. Are you ready to jump in?
We can then CHOOSE to live heaven on earth in service to others, or journey to and stay living in Higher realms of EnLightened existence. My choice will probably be the latter.
Just saying. Beam me up Scotty.
I can imagine living in a more evolved intelligent Light body literally and figuratively; without the need for food, cars to travel, homes to live in, words to communicate or money for survival. There’s no crime, government, violence, abuse or war. Instead, there is less maintenance: food is unnecessary, money is unnecessary, and travel, communication and manifestation are telepathically instantaneous. This is why it’s very important to dissolve your fears first! You don’t want to manifest what you don’t want. Think about it. Just forgive and heal. But wait, there’s more goodness beyond…
It’s why I’ve made healing my number one priority in life. I can’t think of any other goal more important.
I wish for nobody to mourn my passing, but instead, rejoice knowing I am rejoicing to be home for good, the most glorious Heavenly home.
Hopefully, you can now view so-called death from a Higher perspective, instead of it being doom and gloom, and through healing all fear, the journey will become more of an exciting quest for everlasting peace. Moreover, you can always be with loved ones in Spirit, wherever you are. It’s never too late for healing. Even if someone is ready to pass on to another realm, they will take their healing with them! In fact, the most Divine healing is removing fears to help people make their transition easier. Yes, indeed.
If a loved one is in pain and you have done all you can, and they want to go, permit them to go, so they don’t linger in pain. They really don’t need your permission, but I say this because so many people just hang on, feeling a sort of obligation, so to not hurt family. There are many NDE (near death experiences) that confirm pain is relinquished as soon as they leave their body, and the journey towards the Light is a Divine experience…being embraced by Unconditional Love.
What could be more Divine to Brighten your day?!

As I talked about before, fear causes stress and stress eventually causes physical symptoms and quickens aging; stress, of course, causes shallow and erratic breathing relative to the fear state. Erratic, stressful breathing results in more breaths per minute, and all stress, ALL dis-ease separates us from Source-God!
People are too focused on fear, and their finite existence. When you focus on the BIGGER picture, Infinity, then you see the GREATER purpose of life with Infinite opportunities that motivate you to become the greatest version of yourself.”
Also by eliminating the fear of death, it helps us to live more fully now; because I believe so many issues boil down to this one fear. I did not do all this healing because I feared death or to just eliminate pain. Healing for me is more about the bigger picture of life, life Eternal.
Near death experiences (NDE) purhaps bring about the best evidence we may ever get as to what happens when we so- called die. I hope it can bring you added peace on the subject. I have been researching people who’ve had NDE’s, and they all seem to have many of the SAME common components. With variances depending upon their beliefs. Beliefs determine everything, so be very mindful what you believe. You will always be granted your expectations, sooner or later. Here are the most common components of near death experiencers.
2. They go through a dark tunnel. This can be somewhat difficult if one has fear, as fear and your beliefs will determine the quality of your experience, and why it is so vitally important to heal all fear, especially if you fear the dark or the devil! If one has fear, then there is a time of transition to experience and relinquish the fears! After which they feel pulled toward a bright Light that envelopes them with blissfull Love. They are then at peace. So the best thing you can do for yourself and others, is to create a more positive picture about the cycle of life, through better understanding, and eliminating fear, to make any transition period as easy and pleasant as possible… as it is supposed to be…very pleasant!
3. Depending on their beliefs, they are met by a familiar person they trust (family, Jesus, Angel) who counsels them. Communication is telepathic and instant. They feel all knowing. All fear is gone. They are at peace.
4. They have a life review that happens very fast, in which they are shown where they have wronged/hurt people. They are NOT judged by anyone; the purpose is for you to judge yourself and learn where you went astray. So no need to fear the wrath of God. We create our own wrath. Throw all that fear out the window. Fear serves no good purpose, except when you are being chased by a hungry lion. However, a big dose of love can even disarm a lion, because he won’t feel threatened.
- Most people had to come back. They were not given a choice. If they left in pain, they were sent back into their pain body to heal where they left off. These accounts confirm what I have believed for a long time: that we must come back until we heal all dis-ease, we have learned all lessons, such as love, compassion, gratitude, joy , etc., and have FORGIVEN ourselves and others for all wrongdoing. That’s why it’s so important to heal all anger, guilt, resentment, etc. However, most of the NDE’s that I researched healed very quickly and naturally, some healed instantaneously. I believe how quickly one heals depends on their faith, beliefs (as beliefs determine everything) and what they need to learn by the experience. They all came back with a new, better perspective about life and felt compelled to share their experience to help others, for which I am very grateful.
6. Some people had a CHOICE to stay in the non-physical heavenly realm or come back to earthly existence. Everyone that I researched did not want to come back because of the indescribable, incredible unconditional LOVE they felt. But there were a few who had the choice to stay or leave, but decided to come back to take care of unfinished business (for example, to finish raising their kids), even though they preferred to stay in the non-physical heavenly realm.
7. All of them, including atheists and agnostics, explained and understood the Light to be God/Love/Creation/Source energy. They came back with an unshakable faith and new understanding how everything is for our good & learning.
Do I feel and experience inner love? Not needy human love. But unconditional self-love. So you can finally merge with Source energy.
Have I learned my life lessons such as compassion, patience, forgiveness etc.? If not we have to keep coming back.
Have I served my life purpose? This is something you feel compelled and inspired to do using your gifts.
Have I shared my gifts to help others? Very Important, it’s part of our purpose.
What fears (death, devil, dying in pain) might remain that impede my healing journey toward the Light? So that I don’t have to experience that fearful life story, and so it doesn’t continue to be my reality.
If I were to pass today, would I have any regrets? This should reveal where you may need healing. Physical symptoms, stress, and addictions are indicaters of what we still need to heal. But don’t worry, it’s never too late!
Have I healed all emotional disease: anger, resentment, guilt, shame, hurt, etc.? So that I can forgive and finally make my way to a healthier more Heavenly existence here and beyond permanently?! Don’t wait until the last days to heal, or leave when you are decrepit. Choose to heal now and prepare for an easy healthy transition to the Light and Infinite happiness.

To summarize…
Creation of our life comes from our own consciousness; the QUALITY of our thoughts, emotions and beliefs.
Unconscious living and dying results in a life with more disease, suffering, confusion, violence and things unwanted.
Conscious living and dying results in a life that is more healthy, satisfying, easy, pleasant, prosperous and wanted things.
Healing is simpler than people think. It’s fear and limiting beliefs that get in the way of everything you want and a healthier, happy life. Remember this, since we create our own reality, then there is nothing “out there” to fear; all fear comes from our own erroneous subconscious programming. What you experience is a projection of your thoughts and beliefs, whether good or bad. How we live our life, our ability to heal, and choices we make is based on our MINDSET.
Consider these two vast differences in mindsets, choices and outcomes:
Currently many people believe and therefore are living their lives within this mindset: We are born. We live. We get old. We get a disease. I am victim to the disease and circumstances in my life. We die old, diseased and decrepit. So they live with disease as long as they can, out of fear of the unknown, the devil, and/or to not hurt family, and prolong suffering (for them and family), and in many cases, cause unnecessary financial hardship and burden to family. Unfortunately, many people die in pain with many fears, in hospitals or assisted living homes on medication/drugs that can make and keep them unconscious, and will make their “transition” to the Light more difficult.
Suicide is not a way out of suffering, as you can NOT escape from your own consciousness!
Hopefully there are an increasing number of people, seeking PROPER healing, and develop this mindset: I am born. I Live. I learn and grow from my challenges and experiences. I am not a victim. I am responsible. I’m learning my lessons. I create my entire reality, even death of my body. I continually heal. I continually become more AWARE of who I am, and my innate powers to heal and recreate. I evolve. I can STAY happy, healthy, young and active. I can choose to heal, so I can let go of my body, in a HEALTHY state of mind, without the need for drugs, doctors, hospitals, large expenses, forced or violent death or need for assistance of any kind. I will go because I feel that I have completed my purpose, I’ve done eveything I wanted to do, and so life has just lost it’s luster. Therefore, I’m ready to go on, and spread my wings and explore… learn more, and have bigger and better adventures in the non-physical. I can consciously choose to live my life in a way that prepares me to pass peacefully when I want, at any age, even when I’m young, in a healthy, happy state of mind, totally prepared to merge with Loving Source energy.
So don’t wait until the last days to prepare. Since there is no beginning and no end to life, then we should naturally want to be healthier, and become more aware to improve the quality of our life for now and eternity. The more we heal now, the better we can ensure an easy blessed transition to the Light.
You have control, you have the power to heal, clear your fears, and change the focus of your thoughts to consciously REcreate a more desired reality. Ultimately only you can determine your destiny. That’s what life is all about…discovering your True nature and inner power to create the life of your best dreams imaginable; because life really is a figment of our imagination! So keep re-imagining.
The best thing anyone can do is to heal and do everything they can to naturally feel good. Because feeling good is what will attract good things into your life, and repel bad things. Ultimately everyone is trying to feel good. Unfortunately, since many people aren’t familiar with True Healing Solutions, they are going about feeling good the wrong way…the backwards way, artificially. They are treating symptoms using Unnatural external quick fixes, and too often it involves some sort of drug, whether it be street or prescription, which can keep people fooled. Even many natural remedies and avoidance diets will only help so far, because they never really heal the underlying emotional issues, that separate them from true happiness and discovering their own Divinity. You can’t fake the Universe. You can’t have negative emotions and experience true happiness at the same time. All symptom type treatments either cover up, suppress, or skirt around the real cause. Eventually, the pressure of suppressed emotions will slowly smolder into worse conditions. Its like building a volcano formed by anxious emotions, eventually the negative energy must go somewhere; so more symptoms will form, or existing symptoms will worsen. All true healing is inward, natural, clears underlying causes, has lasting healing results, and eventually leads to discovering inner happiness and your own Divinity. Feeling good emotionally and organically, is what will make your transition to the Light EASY and Divine. My healing services and workshop Master your Destiny helps you do just that.
“Sweet is death who puts an end to pain.” Alfred Lord Tennyson
Take time every day to heal and forgive yourself and others, knowing that pain and suffering are gateways to receive healing and make room for love. It’s not too late to RECREATE a positive picture of how you want your life to be now and for Eternity.
The ULTIMATE goal of healing, is to end the vicious cycle of suffering, disease, death of the body and even rebirth, and finally reach a heavenly state of mind, and merge with Loving Source energy. The only sure path to the Light forever, is through healing all emotional disease, forgiveness and attaining self-love.
With enough healing, Passing Peacefully, can be as easy as…making an intentional decision when one feels complete with his or her mission in life, and is fully ready to just let go without fear, and gracefully relax into a deep peaceful slumber. Once all disease is healed, the final exit is a blessed joyous reunion into the Light for Eternity.

Many Blessings to you on your healing journey
Stages of Grief – the first 7 stages are what you typically read about.
I added an 8th step that I hope you and more people can reach quickly.
These phases may last for weeks, months, or years, depending on how quickly you handle, understand, process and heal the following.
1. SHOCK & DENIAL – Most people react to learning of their perceived loss with a numbed disbelief. You may deny the reality in order to avoid the emotional pain. Shock provides emotional protection from being too overwhelmed. Although it can be unbearable for some, it is important that you experience the pain fully, and not hide, avoid, or escape from it with alcohol, drugs or any other long-term symptom treatment, as it will turn into PTSD. So release and heal bottled up emotion in a constructive way, ASAP.
2. GUILT & REMORSE – As the shock wears off, without proper healing, it is usually replaced with guilt. You may have guilty feelings or remorse over things you did or didn’t do to help your loved one, even though you may have done your best. Try not to be hard on yourself, this is a typical reaction, but usually without merit.
3. ANGER & BARGAINING – At this stage, if you haven’t healed the guilt, you may feel angry and even lash out with unwarranted blame on others or even yourself. You may say or think, “You or I could have or should have done this or that better.” Try to avoid this, as damage to your relationships may result. You may rail against fate, questioning “Why did this happen to them/me?” You may also try to bargain with God as a way out of your anger and despair. You may say, “I will never drink, or do this or that again, if you just bring him/her back, I will do better, I promise.” It’s important to NOT take on the burden and/or feel responsible for other peoples lives and fate.
4. DEPRESSION & LONELINESS – Unhealed anger and grief may turn to depression. During this time, you feel the full magnitude of your percieved loss, and you may isolate yourself on purpose and reflect on things you did with your loved one. But instead of feeling happy about your memories, you feel emptiness and/or despair. Just when you think you should be getting on with your life, a long period of sad reflection may overtake you. Without proper healing, encouragement from others may not help much. If depression seems to linger, nutritional supplements may be helpful, as stress causes nutritional deficiencies, and certain deficiencies (especially, protein and vitamins D & B) alone can cause depression. So taking extra nutritional supplements during stressfull times can help.
5. MOVING ON – As you start to heal and adjust to life without your loved one, your life becomes more calm and stable. Your physical symptoms lessen, and your “depression” begins to lift. As you heal and feel better you will seek to engage in life more without him or her. Moving on can be expedited when you realize that death of the body is NOT an end; it’s a healing cycle of renewal as part of life’s journey to reach everlasting peace.
6. ACCEPTANCE & HOPE – The better you can accept your situation, the easier it will be to deal with the reality of your life sooner. I know it can be especially difficult mourning a child. Acceptance does not necessarily mean instant happiness. But you will begin to look forward to and actually plan things for the future. Eventually, you will be able to think about your loved one without pain. With proper healing, and self-acceptance, you will once again anticipate having good times and find joy again. The sooner in life that we can learn, realize and accept, that this life is not eternal, the quicker we can move through these stages and with more ease.
7. FORGIVENESS – Once you accept fully what has happened, it will then be easier to forgive and have compassion for yourself. I hope that you can forgive yourself and others whom you might have blamed for not doing enough. This is such a normal reaction, most people feel that there surely must have been something else they or someone else could have done, even if they did everything they knew to do. Know that forgiving will allow you to heal and move on with life. In fact, ALL healing is an act of forgiveness.
8. UNDERSTANDING & GRACE – Once people begin to understand the natural cycle of life; fear, stress, grief, and the feeling of attachment to others lessen. Through healing emotional dis-ease, the duration through the stages of grief and detachment from others can be greatly shortened and less overwhelming, and eventually, so-called death will/can be viewed from a new positive perspective without grief at all, but a time for celebration, and appreciation for life. Eventually with enough healing, people will be able to skip right over stages, or go through the stages with ease. All healing brings more grace to ones life, and closer to knowing our True-self, where peace and true happiness reside. This is my dream for humanity. Remember that everyone is responsible for their own fate, and bodily death transition is a natural part of the cycle of living and renewal of life.
“We are only on loan to each other.” Unknown
“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and the daughters of life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you, and though they are with you they belong not to you.” Khalil Gibran
Homeopathic Remedies for Grief and Depression
The personality type for this remedy tends to become resentful, secretive and moody while suffering inwardly, —shutting themselves off. They appear sad but don’t express it publicly because they can’t; then once they are alone, thoughts of the loss come back. They fight the tears, swallow the feelings, and get a lump in the throat and/or a feeling of constriction in their chest. They sigh and yawn in an (unconscious) attempt to get some oxygen, and this makes them feel a bit better. They become anti-social, not wanting company or sympathy (although they don’t adversely reject it). They want to be alone to cry, because they don’t want to cry in front of others. When they do break down they will cry loudly, but may feel embarrassed, so they may laugh at the same time.
Natrum Muriaticum
The personality type for this remedy carries more deep-seated grief, and are similar to Ignatia type. These are very sensitive, intensely private people who can appear cool, because they are reluctance to talk and express their feelings, as they don’t want others to know they are hurting. They are sensitive to other people’s feelings, and others confide in them easily. They tend to go inward when depressed, preferring to stay at home alone, but even then, they have difficulty crying and letting go.
The personality type for this remedy when grief-stricken are more weepy. They are gentle souls who are easily moved to laughter or tears, but tend to have more fears. They are affectionate and deeply compassionate and cannot bear to see anybody hurt. They need more affection and reassurance. They always feel better after a good cry, especially if they are also offered some sympathy or consolation at the same time.