Prayers to help people pass Peacefully and Positively
The last Prayer is for you to assist yourself in your own passing
You are a beloved child of God
Prayer of Protection
The Light of God surrounds me/you;
The Love of God enfolds me/you;
The Power of God protects me/you;
The Presence of God watches over me/you;
Wherever I am, God is, And all is well.

Oh sweet dear, the time is near
But there is nothing to fear
Our Spirit’s can always be near
And no need to tear
We’ve had many happy years
When you are ready to go
just let me know
And remember I love you so
It’s only the body that needs anew
Your Soul has always been brand new
I’m immortal too, just like you
So there’s no need to be blue
We’ll see each other soon
Remember to Forgive all your woes
And you’ll be happy to be home
There is no need to grieve
Please now just rest in peace
Seek the Light, sweet one
Affirm: I am a beloved child of God, I am Love, I am Light…I rest in peace

This a new rendition of: Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
a personal prayer to lead yourself in your passing
Now I lay me down to Sleep, I pray the Lord my Soul to keep
I hope I’ve paid all my debt, to end the cycle of life and death
Please forgive me for my woes, so I can come and stay home
I seek the truth, oh yes I do, I’m ready to prove it too
I’m ready to end all my strife, and have an eternal peaceful life
I wish to release my earthly body now, this I vow
Guide me Angels to the Light, as I sleep into this night
By the time day has dawned, I wish to hear heavens song
Bless me God/Angels on my way, Heaven is where I wish to stay
I can’t wait to see you at heavens gate, this I say
I am a beloved child of God, take me home where I belong
Think only positive happy thoughts, relax, allow, and let go of all earthly attachments, and go toward the LIGHT. Expect to be greeted by your angels. That’s all there is to it… easy, positive and peaceful.