a more in depth explanation
I have found that forgiveness is a topic that many people struggle with understanding completely and therefore it impedes their own healing. So I will explain important topics in a few different ways. However, people won’t understand fully until they are truly “ready” to heal and let go of anger, and until then, they will say something like…“I disagree, I don’t get it, or it’s the principle of the matter!” Worse yet, is when people think they do understand forgiveness…but really, they do NOT because they still have anger! When people are stuck in anger, it blinds them to “see” the answer; that is, to have the AWARENESS that forgiving is going to give them what they are really wanting the most, JUSTICE, SELF-HEALING, and PEACE fo mind!

Worse yet, is when people think they do understand forgiveness…but not really, because they still have any number of ongoing disease symptoms or health issues. Because they don’t realize that EVERY symptom (physical & emotional), and STRESS is a result of NOT forgiving YOURSELF. Even worse is when people say, “I’m good,” or “I’m OK,” when they really are NOT. Because they keep suppressing the symptoms with drugs or some other symptom treatment, keeping them in denial and thinking they feel OK, but only artificially….and this is the most dangerous place to be! Suppressing symptoms, lack of knowledge about healing, and people’s resistance to heal properly (especially when they have been exposed to TRUE healing), are the biggest problems which keep them from healing and slowly gets worse.
I’m going to do my best to explain the HEALING power of forgiveness. I hope at least one version makes sense enough, to help you move on, and seek healing if needed.
I think where people get the most STUCK is; they are still looking at the issue of forgiveness from a victim standpoint. “I was the victim or (someone else was/is a victim), and the perpetrator/bad person did (or still is doing) a bad thing.” I am an innocent “good” person; they are a horrible “bad” person. Yes, I know on the surface and from a lower view point, that this is true. But, if we want to finally get out of the vicious cycle of emotional disease (inner turmoil of anger) causing bad circumstances (fighting/ arguing/abuse/murder/bad karma) happening over and over for many lifetimes, and it eventually causing physical symptoms including cancer/asthma/pain, etc., then we really need to be open to understanding forgiveness, even if it’s only for our own sake at first.
It may help to better understand what’s happening, by looking from an energetic level and a HIGHER view point
As the Law of Attraction teaches, (my interpertation) we create our reality by our beliefs, our thoughts and emotions, (our fears or by faith), and the decisions and choices we make based on them. We either create our life unconsciously from our subconscious fears and limiting beliefs, resulting in a life with more struggle, disease and unwanted negative results. Or we can clear our fears/emotional disease and consciously create a more desirable easier life with positive deliberate intention. And this is why I say… “Awareness is the greatest healer.” Because we can not heal, what we have not become AWARE of.
Forgiving does NOT condone the wrongdoing… forgiveness is a gift of healing we give to ourselves and others to be free of disease and agony. Every act either comes from love, or it’s a cry for love and healing.
The energetic viewpoint: It’s not like they (victim/perpetrator) both woke up one day and said, “Hey let’s get together and do this horrible thing together. No, it happens on an energetic (angry) level. Again like attracts like energy. You can have a room of a hundred people, and if one person’s emotional pain body is triggered, they can attract a brawl with others; but the brawl will ONLY be with those who have unhealed anger, and it’s more likely to be triggered and exaggerated with addictive substances; since they have been used to suppress their negative emotions. So the emotions become associated with the substance and over time, the substance becomes a trigger for the emotions. Without proper healing, substance abuse (any addiction) keeps people living UNconsciously and in a vicious cycle of disease. Addictive substances can also give people a FALSE sense of feeling good or happy, which can keep them from realizing that they need any kind of healing at all; sadly this will greatly impede their healing to creating True inner happiness and their evolutionary growth to the Light.
When people see themselves as a victim or helpless or that there is NOTHING they can do about it, that keeps them from the responsibility for their part and also seeing the advantage of healing. This victim’s mindset “proves” these points. The victim and perpetrator are only playing roles from opposite sides of the SAME coin and frequency of ANGER. Like attracts like energy. Both need to heal their anger. Anger is a low-vibrational energy. You are both victims to your own anger.
Neither one has taken responsibility. They are still at war, even if it’s from a distance. Wars never solve problems. They both have failed to see the root problem; they both need to heal anger. One person is not better than the other. They are both playing a “role” to learn an important lesson in life. One person is not bad and the other good. What IS bad… is that both are not taking responsibility, and they both have anger. They have failed to see the vicious cycle of anger they are both in, and that they are mirroring each other’s energy; SHOWING each other what they need to heal. So it doesn’t do any good at all to point BLAME. The one playing the victim role might say, “Well my anger is justified, I’m the innocent good person, I’ll still make my way to heaven! NO, you won’t! You can’t get to heaven with anger. Heaven and hell are not physical locations; they are states of mind. So it doesn’t matter if we are in the physical (earth) realm or the non-physical Heavenly realm. We are simply healing in the physical lower realm (hopefully), so we can evolve into the Heavenly higher vibrations of joy, compassion, wisdom, humility, love, etc.
The higher perspective is: that inherent in every difficult situation and challenge, is the “opportunity” for healing, learning, growing and evolving out of that situation/disease. We grow or stay stuck. We need to decide if we want to stay stuck in lower vibrations of anger, resentment, hurt and physical disease or grow beyond into higher vibrations of love, peace, compassion and living in grace.
So the victim and perpetrator, can (eventually) learn a lot from each other: the victim can help the perpetrator heal anger and learn compassion. The perpetrator can help the victim heal anger and learn inner strength and their power to no longer be a victim. You might say, well I’m no longer a victim, or I no longer associate myself with that person. And that is a good step in the right direction, if the other person doesn’t want to heal their anger. But if you still have anger then you are still their victim!!! You have failed to see where you need healing. It’s really about YOU. Many people have suppressed their anger, hurt and other emotional dis-eases so well, that they don’t even realize it’s there, causing many physical symptoms of dis-ease, and so they are a victims to their own anger, and it will keep them from evolving to higher states of true love, joy, compassion etc. Heavenly energy only consists of HIGHER vibrations such as: Love, peace, compassion, gratitude, etc., and you can’t merge with an energy of which you are NOT. Like attracts like energy! This is why people need to come back to the lower vibration of Earthly existence; because they haven’t healed their emotional disease, which keeps them from truly experiencing inner Love and their own Divinity.
From this Higher viewpoint, there aren’t Victims or Perpetrators…there are ONLY TEACHERS, for learning VERY valuable lessons for our evolutionary growth.
Try not to think of it as me versus them. Good and bad. Think of it as both showing each other what both of you still need to heal, which is anger. Because guess what? Until you heal the anger, you will continue to attract situations with them or other people that trigger your anger until you heal it. So It doesn’t matter if you move 3000 miles away. Even if you decide to kill each other it doesn’t solve anything at all. You both still have anger, and karma, and you will continue to carry on the drama (with them and/or other people with anger), sowing what you reap, until you get it right, and heal your anger. So why waste any more time and keep prolonging your own way to a heavenly life.
Maybe you’ll like the following version better?…

For those who still feel angry or like a helpless victim,
or that they just can’t do anything about it…I would ask you these questions…???
Why would you want to prolong your happiness, prolong your healing, and prolong your suffering?
Why would you LET someone whom you think is a dirty rotten scum bag, useless piece of crap, have JUSTICE over you?!…Basically, ruining your life and health to some degree,…by allowing them to keep you in a low vibration (anger), causing you dis-ease, impeding your evolutionary growth and keeping you from evolving to higher states of consciousness of peace and joy, and ultimately from entering the kingdom of heaven!!! Stop and think about this. If this isn’t important to you then I don’t know what is!
It might help you further, to know that people do bad things because they were treated bad, have a lot of emotional pain, are ignorant of these teachings, and their power to heal. NO, that doesn’t mean it was/is OK. NO, that’s not excusing what they did. But it does mean they are very broken and deeply hurt, and screwed up, otherwise they would not have done it. And they wouldn’t have done it with you, if there wasn’t a valuable lesson for you to learn. And until they learn these teachings and accept healing, they will continue to suffer, rot in their own hell, and all that emotional pain (anger, grief, etc.) can eventually turn into physical symptoms and /or cancer, if it hasn’t already. Let that be your justice, if that’s what it takes for you to move on. But you can now avoid more disease for yourself.
Remember, we are all connected, so when we hurt someone, we hurt ourselves. Actually feeling hurt, comes from our own internal UNhealed anger from being hurt in the past, and then some people try to project it onto others. Others suppress their emotions and cause disease for themselves. In essence, nobody can make us feel hurt; they are reflecting the UNhealed emotions that still reside inside YOU. By the Law of Attraction, you are attracting and matching each other’s energy (emotional frequency), and showing each other where you both need healing. With enough healing, you won’t be so affected by the unhealed emotions of others, because it’s no longer in you; you will no longer need to walk around feeling the effects of the world. One of the biggest bonuses of healing, is that you will no longer attract those situations, so you no longer need to worry about being a victim again!!! NOT EVER! When you eliminate the fear, you eliminate the recurring problem, no matter what it is. People who you typically had ongoing issues with, if they have not healed their anger, they will find someone else to pick on. Because you have healed your anger, you no longer have a bone to pick, or have the attraction factor. This is why healing is so important, because healing (anger, grief, hurt) breaks the vicious cycle of physical disease and recurring bad circumstances.
For those who say, “I can’t do anything about it/them”…yes you can! You can decide to heal yourself, avoid worse things, and move on, and away from them if need be. We can only save ourselves, and that’s all anyone needs to do…heal yourself. You can only help others to the degree of which they are READY to listen and recieve healing. Even Jesus could not heal everyone, only those who were READY, because we have free will to wallow on if we choose. Your disease is about YOU, and their dis-ease is about them. It can be great if the healing happens together. But the other person may not be ready, so the healing may not happen together or at the same time. Everyone is responsible for their own healing, whether it’s sooner or later. They may decide to never heal, so why drag on your own dis-ease? The only reasons are: you still don’t fully understand these teachings, and/or your not ready to give up anger and want revenge.
No, you can’t change the other person. You can’t force anyone to heal. Don’t wait for an apology. That may never happen. They might have even passed on. If you can’t fathom the thought of forgiving the other person, just heal for yourself! That’s how you get JUSTICE for yourself!!!. If you want to think about it that way. If the other person isn’t ready to heal, do it for yourself. Do it for your kids. Do it for humanity. Do it for your peace of mind, first and foremost. Do it so you no longer are a victim to more bad circumstances. Don’t prolong your healing. Until people are READY to heal and willing to take full responsibility, their own dis-ease will continue, and it’s a big reason why some people heal faster than others, because they are ready and willing to let go. So all healing is really self-healing. However, when we heal, and release our negative energy, it can automatically help others to change and heal too. Yes, indeed, when we change our energy vibration, we act differently, others feel it, and things get better automatically.
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ―
Healing is so simple, but it can take people years, decades, and even many lifetimes for some people to break these karmic cycles of disease. Even people who are deep into “healing,” and may be able to give you a lecture about forgiveness, I’ve heard them say things like, “Well it’s the principle of the matter and I know that me and so and so aren’t finished yet!” Well why not? Because you still feel anger, and you think it’s about them. So you blame them, or the devil which is just a convenient way to NOT take responsibility, and so you continue on with your disease. You can DECIDE to be finished and heal right now, as soon as you realize it’s really about healing YOU!
How long do you want to stay in HELL and riddled with pain and disease? It’s your choice. Heaven or Hell? On earth and for eternity. Think of everything as energy, and everything vibrates at a different frequency. Lower hellish vibrations consist of: hate, anger, resentment, guilt, shame, etc. Higher vibrations consist of: Love, peace, compassion, etc. Think of healing as raising your vibration to a frequency that matches Heaven while here on earth!
It might be easier for some people to think about forgiveness in this way; you are simply allowing yourself to heal. You are forgiving your own anger, letting it go, so you can finally have a heavenly life here and for Eternity. The other person can choose to heal or not, until then they will suffer. And any “principle” that you stay stuck on…you will suffer in some way. This is one big reason why healing diagnosed diseases seems so mysterious. It’s not.
Even though healing is simple, I know that most people have not learned how to heal properly. I don’t mean better “managing and coping” skills; although that is helpful, it doesn’t count as actual healing. True healing takes place when we can fully release the negative emotions from our nervous system, and we’ll no longer be triggered by others. We won’t feel the negative energy of others, because it’s not in YOU. Energy healing can help you heal much FASTER, to the degree of which you are ready to let go, by giving you a boost of energy, to clear out the anger, guilt, shame and all other emotional dis-eases, and limiting beliefs, which have kept you in the lower frequencies.

“Forgiveness is the key for truly loving ourselves and being grateful for all of life experiences” – Jeannette Leimel
Forgiving is not complicated. It does not matter whether they have passed on or not. It doesn’t matter if the other person is ready and receptive to forgive you, that is their responsibility, and healing for yourself is your responsibility. All you need to do is to sit quietly and recall the difficult situations where you held anger, guilt, resentment, etc., for yourself or others, and honestly say a heartfelt prayer of forgiveness, and be open to releasing and letting go of all anger, hurt, guilt, shame, etc. That’s all. All healing helps you and all of humanity to heal, to be FREE of fear and dis-ease, and rise in consciousness.
Open your heart…and repeat…I’m Truly sorry, I forgive myself, I forgive you, please forgive me, I love you, I love myself.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Really feel it in your heart center. Rinse and repeat.
The ULTIMATE goal of healing, is to end the vicious cycle of suffering, disease, death of the body and rebirth; and to finally reach a heavenly peaceful state of mind, and merge with Loving Source Energy. The only sure path to the Light is through healing all emotional disease, forgiveness, and attaining self-love. Blessings to you on your healing journey.